حجم صادرات شركات الاستثمار الأجنبي 
Exports by FDI Enterprises
The reports calculates the value of exports by FDI enterprises for all companies in a range of years
In thousands of Local Currency  
( nsc ) national company* 921,983
Abd Alkader & Ahmad  100
Ahmad haidr 500
al ahlia oil company 329,348
Almahaire Company 9,500
alrakkia food 18,000
Alshorok for crystal 7,000
Alwadi Alakdar 115,400
Arab Drrip irrigation Techno  30,546
Arab orient insurance co - 248,953
arabco 6,000
Awad Amoraa 45,000
balpak 1,154
Balbaki 5,000
Bel SYRIA 160,917
cham Islamic bank 275,113
East company for olive oil 304,855
F.S.T 1,000
feedmax Syria 1,771
capital tras 3,694
National Aluminum  390,359
national cofor rlosticcm 3,867
nearest olive products 1,493,814
new jeda food 181,852
niap 16,155
oubaria - Syria 1,000
Safy cool company 500
Salim Wazaran Brinjkkji LTD 8,161
Seed blast 1,147
sosi general bank 58,701
Syrian & Jordan carpets 97,329
Syrian aaudi chemicals 59,379
Syrian Saudi Korean 1,947
the Syrian  Lebanon  for food prodution 190,000
united insurance company 955,532
United Syrian for olive oil product 30,000
Viva company 15,000
walid abd aljabar 10,100
Total 6,030,677
* القيمة في الحقل الأول للاستثمار الوطني